Creating a User

To add a User to your vSUITE solution, follow the steps provided below. Important: missing or not completing any of the steps provided may result in the ACD system not operating as expected.

  1. Create a user in vSUITE administration portal.
  2. Configure user details.
  3. Configure user skill set.

Step 1 – Create a user in vSUITE administration portal.

Open the vSUITE administration portal

From the menu, select System Users

From the System Users Screen select Add New+

Next, provide the details for the user

  • User Type = Select whether this user is an ACD agent or a Console user.
  • First Name = The user’s first name.
  • Last Name = The user’s last name.
  • Agent ID = The Agent ID is used to log into vConnect, Rainbow dock and Web console. This is usually the agent extension but can be any alpha-numeric input.
  • Password = The agent’s password.


  • Departments = Select one or multiple departments the agent belongs to.


  • Office Extension = This is the agent’s physical office phone extension.
  • Nomadic Extension = This is the agent’s nomadic extension assigned in the OXE/OXO. This can be a physical device but it is recommended to use this for a Remote extension/Any Device.


  • Avatar = Select avatar type A or B that the user identifies with.
  • Enabled = This enables or disables a user.
  • Queue Login/Logout = If this setting is OFF, the agent is not allowed to logout/make themselves unavailable from the assigned queues.

Select the Apply button.

Step 2 – Configure Skill Set.

Provide User skill details.

  • User Skill = Select the queue the user will be assigned.
  • Wrap up Time = The number seconds the user has to update call details after a call ends and before a new call is presented.
  • No Answer = This configures the action if an agent does not answer the call. Available options are to make the agent unavailable or log them out.
  • Skill Level = If a queue has skill based routing enabled then this level is used to prioritize call routing.
  • Available = This configures whether the agent is available/unavailable for the selected queue.

Select the Assign Skill button. This will add an entry to the User Skills table.

You have successfully created and configured a User.

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